1/3 sport - exercices physiques - respiration
1/3 huiles essentielles - Do Terra
1/3 énergétique - soins holistiques -
Whether you are professionals or private individuals, each of you undoubtedly has an interest in benefiting from the power of energy and the treatments that are developing more and more.
Learning to care for others goes through self-healing and knowing that everything is going faster and faster, it is useful to constantly update yourself in relation to your environment.
Combining business with pleasure by defying the codes of traditional medicine and working towards true natural health hygiene will give you an advantage over other practices requiring specific tools, machines, electronic devices... etc...
By discovering all the possibilities thanks to energy through energy dietetics or through the balance of the sacred couple for example, you will be able to better understand daily events, to erase or even transmute situations. unpleasant or disconcerting, to find a body/mind balance.
For your guidance or to complete your activity.
This approach is all the more valuable if you are more than satisfied with it. Be the forerunners of your well-being and the well-being of your patients. Everyone has their own pace and therefore everyone will find what suits them or not, in the different techniques highlighted.
Sessions offering achievable goals, in a given time, with specific techniques following the VADIMH2* method.
Generally, one session per half-day of approximately 4 hours, adding 1 hour more, or 5 hours in total for presentations and breaks, knowing that the rates range from 60 to 120 euros per hour.
Groups of trainees consisting of a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 8 people per session. The individual is made on request.
The dates and places are given according to the number of members and the modules chosen.