The data below comes from Russian scientific research carried out since the 1960s with the aim of validating the

properties of shungite on human health (Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Symposium in Petrozavodsk October 2006,

and various sanatoria).


- We advise you to drink two or three glasses of shungite elixir per day as a cure or one glass every morning. It is important

to drink this elixir gradually: start with a glass then increase the quantities.

- The shungite elixir brings balance and well-being in many situations. The general condition improves, the

nervous pressure disappears, the supply of energy and vitality is immediate. It relieves headaches, backaches, rheumatism, defeats

neuralgic states, normalizes sleep, stabilizes blood pressure, the respiratory system, increases sexual energy. She is

recommended to support the body in the following diseases: impotence, anemia, allergies, gastritis, dyspepsia, illness

kidney, liver conditions, diabetes, gallbladder problems, pancreatic disease, weakness and deterioration of the system

immune system, head colds, cardiovascular diseases, cholecystitis, chronic fatigue.


- You can wash your face and body with this elixir. It improves the elasticity of the skin and gives it a healthy appearance. It decreases the

wrinkles while revitalizing the skin of the face. It helps eliminate acne, redness and other skin problems.

- By regular spraying on the skull, it reduces hair loss and restores youthful hair. It strengthens the root

hair and fights dandruff.

- As a compress on the skin, it helps to treat burns, cuts, calluses, arthritis, osteoarthritis and varicose veins.

- Directly on the skin, it relieves sore throat, stomatitis, colds and inflamed tonsils.


The shungite elixir is ultra clean water. It is a solution of natural fullerenes (nano carbon molecule) hydrated.

Shungite stone has high water purifying and regenerating qualities. It cleans water from almost all

organic compounds (including pesticides), bacteria, harmful microorganisms, various chlorine compounds, nitrates,

copper, iron and neutralizes heavy metals. During experiments carried out by Russian scientists, shungite water was

association with streptococci. It has been proven that after half an hour of contact with shungite the concentration of

group D streptococcus had been decreased by a factor of one hundred and those of group A by a factor of nine hundred.


- Bring one or more glass or sandstone jars with a capacity of one to four liters depending on the expected use. He

you will need about 100g of crushed stones per liter of water. Make sure that the jars are sufficiently manageable, this will facilitate

their daily use.

- Take the bag of crushed shungite stones. Using a strainer, rinse the stones under running water to get rid of

the fine powder that covers them.

- To sterilize the stones, place them in the bottom of a saucepan and cover them with water. Boil them for fifteen minutes then

throw the water. Note: this operation is optional and has only an interest of asepsis.

- Rinse the stones again and place them at the bottom of your jar. Then fill with fresh water.

Important: do not seal the jar tightly to allow air circulation.

- Depending on the water used, a slight film may form on the surface of your jar, and sometimes give off a metallic smell

unpleasant. You can remove it with a paper towel.

- After forty-eight hours, the water will be purified and biologically active.

Tip: you can separate the batch of shungite into two different jars: a part for internal use (drink) and a part in

external use (for your bathroom: toilet, teeth, hair, skin, etc.).


The shungite elixir can be used for your personal consumption as drinking water as well as for cooking, herbal teas,

coffee, ice cubes, inhalations, foot baths... However, for maximum effectiveness, we recommend that you drink it

fresh and unmixed.


Option 1: Once the shungite elixir is ready, you can use all the water in the jar and repeat the process (fill with water and

wait 48 hours).

Option 2: You can refill your jar after each use. This method is more practical in everyday life.

You can water your plants with this elixir. Pets will enjoy drinking it regularly.

It is recommended to renew the shungite stones every six months to a year depending on the quality of the water and the intensity of the

use. Indeed, these can become saturated with pollutants captured in the water. You can bury these used stones in the

earth, in the vegetable garden, at the foot of ornamental trees and fruit trees. Plantations and trees will benefit from the qualities

energy of shungite, remarkable in agriculture.

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