Energy care: Bioenergy
COURSE OF A SESSION? The session always starts with a short interview to explain the process (the first time) and let the person concerned express himself on his current state if he wishes. The individual remains dressed, he is initially in a standing position then lying down in relaxation mode to take full advantage of the treatment. He is led to listen to my voice to relax, sometimes repeat sentences and breathe in order to integrate the effects in all the cells of his body. The session can range from ¾ hour to 2 hours and the fixed price amounts to 60€.

HOW LONG ARE THE EFFECTS VISIBLE? They can be immediate for some, longer for others because the energy continues to be in motion and the benefits can also be felt after weeks, months or even years because the idea is to do things gently, even if the treatment can be radical.

WHY DO AN ENERGY TREATMENT?  To balance your body  To maintain a healthy lifestyle  For shape and weight To stop certain addictions  To support bereaved families To support couples in difficulty  To regain self-esteem in the face of employment To improve concentration in children and adults  To channel emotions in children and adults For personal development WHAT ARE THE CONTRAINDICATIONS? Energy care does not present any contraindication, on the contrary the public concerned is as well, the child, the pregnant woman, the adult as the people at the end of life. Accompanying people with Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Bipolarity or even Schizophrenia with energy care can really help to pass a course without disregarding conventional medicine.

Energetic geobiology
WHAT IS GEOBIOLOGY? Geobiology is the art of balancing places, and this art is not only intended for architects but also for the public wishing to find a balance in their habitat and their deep being.
There are lines or presences or water points that are harmful to the inhabitants of a place that require moving or evacuation, hence cleaning.
The purification of houses, offices, surrounding spaces can be done on plan or on site, here in Guadeloupe or elsewhere in Lyon, Rennes, Cannes and Paris.
The malaise of an individual is often linked to his home. The techniques of Feng Shui can improve the passage of energy and those of geobiology will be able to evacuate all other inconsistencies.
Everything is complementary and the idea is to work on different levels to find the balance of both the individual, his home and his energy bodies.

Training in Geobiology is possible!

Oracle Draw
WHAT IS AN ORACLE? An oracle is a person who practices divination. But, according to the Robert dictionary, the first definition is: “Will of God announced by the prophets and the apostles. In fact, whether it is used in relation to the Judeo-Christian tradition, or in the context of paganism, the word comes from the Latin orare (to speak), itself in relation to the mouth (bone, oris). It is above all about the expression of the divinity through the intermediary of a man or a woman, often appointed for this purpose. Among the Pagans, it was often a sibyl or a pythia. Derivatively, the term also designated the consecrated place where these oracles were regularly uttered and where the public went to obtain an answer. The Oracle of Delphi, for example, worked for many, many centuries. The poet Virgil also mentions the famous sibyl of Cumae in his Aeneid. This term is more particularly used in connection with ancient divination, in particular Greek and Etruscan divination. We also speak of augury in ancient Rome. Another synonymous term, also valid for many traditions, is that of prophecy.
Whether remotely or on site, the drawing of oracles requires the integration that each of us is able to change the course of our lives.... It is therefore important to note that the cards are a support to highlight the states of the moment and to identify, for example, the wounds to be healed. The goal is to consider the right choices in accordance with his deep being.
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