ObjectiveAfter this training you will be able to distinguish between your feelings of your mental reasoning to follow your intuition and further develop your talents as a medium using the VADIMH technique 2Content: get on the right frequency- Understand that there are several frequencies and waves that allow us to communicate with the world of the invisible- Choose your channel and stick to it on the one hand for your own training and on the other hand to go further- Adjust your frequency through meditation or visualization to capture all the useful information Content: use your clear feelings - Adapt your potential according to your own benchmarks and your own sensations (all "clear") - Work on your sensitivity to interpret the mental images received Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be closer to the message of the beyond or the spirits - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
ObjectiveAfter this training you will be able to take into consideration, thanks to your feelings or not, the different vibrations that surround you by means of techniques and more particularly by using the VADIMH method 2Content: Become aware of the different vibrations - Understand that there are several vibrations that emanate from objects, beings, minerals, plants - Learn to find the density of each element - Know how to classify the vibratory elements thanks to precise supports
Content: Work with one's clear feelings - Find the corresponding resolution to process information according to one's own practices - Hold one's interpretations to the end of the protocols (leaving the ego aside)
Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others
Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
Objective After this training you will be able to find the cause of the problems of everything and make the necessary connections to find the solutions and particularly by using the VADIMH method 2 Content: Learn by heart the different subtle bodies - Make the difference between the different types of energy vocabularies - Understand the non-chronological aspects of the invisible - Use clear-felt to identify the different energy layers
Content: Put yourself in a situation - Identify each layer by measuring - Repeat the specifics layer by layer so as not to be influenced by the mind
Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
ObjectiveAfter this training you will be able to erase the negative history of your cells and replace them with happy projections in a definitive way using the VADIMH method 2Content: Learn to be your own director- Identify the different scenes of your life to change - Understand coexistence (yin/yang) - Give meaning to your new life film
Content: Organize your life path differently - Identify each difficult moment in life, cut, cut out, replace, finalize - Know how to use the different visualizations according to the events experienced
Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others
Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
Objective After this training you will be able to choose your heart objectives differently without emotional dependence or ruminations in a subtle way and by strengthening your mind thanks to the VADIMH 2 method Content: Detach yourself from old mental patterns - Do not confuse family reflexes with karmic reflexes or educational- Make the difference between your heart's goals and your reasoned goals- Become aware of your mistakes to move forward without obstacles
Content: Free your mind and your body- Settle your accounts with the agreement of the archangels- Find a balance between your desires and your means with the support of the archangels- Learn to thank the archangels
Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others
Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
ObjectiveAfter this training you will be able to find your true place in the spiritual world to develop or reorient your inner self by respecting your values and strengthening your desires of the heart thanks to the VADIMH 2 methodContent: Knowledge and ignorance - Working with clarity - knowledge without judging - Know how to measure your spiritual place - Find the tools corresponding to your spiritual development
Content: Orient or reorient your inner self- No longer navigate by sight but conversely by choice- Define your new spiritual framework
Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others
Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
ObjectiveAfter this training you will be able to better position yourself or always find your place whether in a professional or personal environment without worrying about the eyes of others and by confirming things thanks to the VADIMH 2 methodContent: How to position yourself through 'a physical body- Learn to use your body as an antenna- Recognize the different existing vibrations- Combine business with pleasure as a vibrational body taking into account its general environmentContent: How to position yourself through a body energy- Learn to readjust your energy bodies around your physical body- Connect to your inner self, your very essence and understand how to tap into this resource- Integrate your frequency with the tools of Dr Kishori Aird to vibrate as it isContent: follow the VADIMH2 method- Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions- Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
Objective After this training you will be able to detoxify the body as a whole and particularly the etheric layer, the reference layer of energetic and physical health by relying in addition on the VADIMH 2 method Content: Protect yourself before emptying - Discover the different protections adapted or not to the emptying technique- Mistakes not to make before - during - after- The end of the protocol in connection with its identity or its feelingsContent: Energy emptying of Dr Bodin seen by Virginie D- Being the best channel to act - Listen to your feelings and adapt at any time - Adopt a neutral behavior without being influenced by your bad habits or reflexes Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, the polarity, the rods or othersContent: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other pr corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
After this training you will be able to observe and determine the different opposing forces and find the right solution to balance or clean them based on the VADIMH 2 method.
Content: Learn to observe - Observe with your 5 senses - Feel the different fields in the invisible on the map and on the premises - Know how to read a 3D map or know how to assess the sites archaeologically Content: The cosmo-telluric lines - Know the main lines- Feel the effects of telluric, cosmic, cosmo-telluric lines- Intuitively perceive the different guardians and know how to invite them to protect the premises in all circumstances Content: follow the VADIMH2 method- Respect the codes and techniques for be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and topics
After this training you will be able to intuitively follow the messages of the guides of light via the cards and further develop your clairvoyance by referring to the VADIMH 2 method.
Content: Why trust the cards- Definition of Oracles, Runes, signs and symbols- Read through the lines - the interest of the cards Content: Guided messages - Learn not to invent but to listen - Tips for staying the as humble as possible and not fall into the misplaced "ego" ("it's me who reads good adventures") - Rely on your intuition to best interpret the messages Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made depending on the environment and the subjects
After this training you will be able to readjust the chakras in 3D in a balanced way allowing the right direction of your life path and learn to keep it thanks to the VADIMH 2 method.
Content: The 7 chakras- Feel the 3 planes (vertical/horizontal/equatorial)- Learn to question the chakras through polarity and note the weaknesses - Clean and repair the chakras if necessary Content: The chakra/emotion correspondences - Learn to identify the symptoms and make the right connections with the chakras- Learn to nourish your chakras on all levels- Balance your emotions through the alignment of the chakras in 3DContent: follow the VADIMH2 method- Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and subjects
After this training you will be able to diagnose and remove the various parasites of the astral layer such as miasmas creating level 1 disorders such as chronic migraines and / or continuous fatigue up to transient dizziness with specific techniques in combination with the VADIMH 2 method
Content: Recognize the astral layer - Reminder of the astral layer - Know how to put yourself in "astral" mode with the appropriate level 1 protection(s) to identify parasites - Determine parasites correctly according to their shape, size, thickness, point of attachment , positioning, etc.
Content: the proposed techniques - the disguises - the tote purses
- the lower astral
- slugs Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others Content: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
After this training you will be able to diagnose and remove the various insectoid type parasites of the astral layer creating level 2 disorders such as absences, memory loss, Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia which can go as far as dementia with very specific techniques in combination with the VADIMH 2 method
Content: Interpreting the astral layer - Reminder of the astral layer on all planes - Knowing how to put yourself in "astral " mode with the appropriate level 2 protection(s) to identify the associated parasites - Determine the parasites correctly according to their shape, size, thickness, attachment point, positioning, etc...
Content: proposed techniques - snakes - sea urchins
- the jellyfish
- insects Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others Content: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
After this training you will be able to diagnose and remove the various parasites of the humanoid or reptilian type astral layer creating level 3 disorders such as severe lung attacks, unexplained behavioral changes aimed at rendering the individual inert with very accurate in combination with the VADIMH 2 method
Content: Read the astral layer on different dimensions - Reminder of the astral layer as a whole - Know how to put yourself in "astral " mode with the appropriate level 3 protection(s) to identify the corresponding parasites - Determine the parasites correctly according to their shape , size, thickness, attachment point, positioning, etc...
Content: proposed techniques - humanoids - reptilians
- beings of nature
- the dragonsContent: follow the VADIMH2 method- Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions- Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or othersContent: learn how to protect yourself according to the elements- find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
After this training you will be able to restore the balance between the two Feminine-Masculine polarities to find your inner couple in unity by taming duality and practicing the VADIMH 2 method.
Content: The coexistence or interest of Yin and Yang - Knowing how to control your breath - Learning to project yourself out of time - Bringing together the different forces
Content: Getting to know each other better to converge - Using mental imagery - the imaginary parallel
- reveal yourself by being honest with your cells
- Make your sacred feminine and masculine cohabit Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn to protect according to the elements- find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects
After this training you will be able to deprogram and reprogram mechanisms through demystified DNA and find new reflexes adapted to your heart's objectives while maintaining this precept with the VADIMH 2 method.
Content: DNA demystified - Decoding the genome in a simple way - Learning to consider genes differently - Understanding the 13 DNA helices and the implication of programs
Content: Communicate with the cells - The transmission of information to the chromosomes - Determine the real needs to deprogram
- Learn to reprogram in a useful way while respecting other programs
- Give meaning to its new version Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, rods or others Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made according to the environment and the subjects