· "Preparation of the land" Emptying of used energy 30€
· "Clearing" Analysis of the body as a whole and cutting of karmic and transgenerational layers) 60€
· "Plowing of the land" Rebalancing of the energy centers of the column and evacuation of parasites 60€
· "Planting the seeds of life" Integration of life choices according to the 5 pillars 1: -health-couple-family-job-leisure- 1: finances €60
CURATIVE CARE: between 5 to 8 sessions depending on the individual, basic PRICE €60, DEGRESSIVE from 3 sessions
"Shrub pruning" Elimination of blockages depending on the individual's troubles and 100% enhancement of free will to regain a productive balance / care adapted to serious illnesses, depressions and other obscure symptoms
PREVENTIVE CARE: from 5 sessions, basic PRICE €60, DEGRESSIVE
· "Maintenance of green spaces" Learn to channel yin and yang energies and know how to tame your mind in all circumstances / care adapted to people of good composition, wishing to maintain a healthy capital over the year
· "Cultivate his garden" Use his knowledge in personal development and in the form of workshops - training through sessions adapted to those who have already worked on their conscience and on their co-creation
CHILD CARE: baby including
· "The budding gardeners" Practical analysis of the body as a whole and breathing exercises or even concentration and meditation 50€
SPECIAL TREATMENTS: series of 3 sessions
LEARN TO NOURISH YOUR BODY AND SPIRIT (recipes, magnetized water and food supplements on order)
· "Weeding" Disappearance of dependencies and addictions according to the 5 elements and particularly with the help of magnetized water 90€
· "The fallow land" Detox of the body and mind in the form of a cure with physical and mental support 90€
· "Fertilizers and company" Learn to eat according to your element and your birth number 90€
· "Automatic watering" Detection of the frequency of its essence to systematically find its vibration (body / mind) 110€
· "Le Bouturage" modification and treatment of DNA at zero point with amplification of its vibrational frequency 90€
· "The garden center" identification of non-integrated elements to co-orient its projects with new information and the amplification of its anchorage 90€
FREE YOUR BODY TO TAME YOUR SENSES (semi-precious stones and oils on order)
· "Landscaping" meeting and integration of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine in one's inner self 120€
· "The passion for plants" apprehend your body as a whole through the "I" and identify your repressed needs in the "game" 120€
· "The secret garden" liberation and harmonization of your sacred space by learning or relearning to be true to yourself and your deep desires 120€
· "Gardening without getting hurt" Analysis of the soil and the place of residence with neutralization and release of harmful phenomena related to the individual or individuals concerned
150€ (according to plan provided)
· "Earth to earth" Harmonization of energies for bare land to be built or
agricultural land under cultivation. Energy balance will result in better building conditions or better crop production. This field analysis is ideal before construction and cultivation, although it can also be done after! Geobiology in this case will not need several interventions, only one will generally suffice.
90€ (according to plan provided)
· "The 4 elements" Identification of multiple inconsistencies in residential areas,
on different planes, lines (Hartmann, Curry...), networks (WIFI,...) depending on the elements EARTH, FIRE, AIR and WATER. Proposal of displacement, reduction or neutralization of the phenomena encountered to considerably improve the places of dwellings, always with authorization. Resolutions over 2 or more sessions depending on the energies to be harmonized.
140€ (on site or in Visio)
· "Work to Work" Identification of nuisances in the workplace, around and below
the offices before proposing a complete estimate according to the personnel. Individually, according to several elements such as birth number, functions or/and problems encountered in professional activity. The rectification of the direction of the energies requiring more parameters in relation to the entourage and the employees. It will even be considered to return several times to the same place to refine the positioning of the lines or networks, if the individual(s) concerned, passing through or still in activity for years are more sensitive than others. Also if the staff changes, an update will be necessary!
170€ (on site or in Visio)
· "External lighting" Highlighting injuries and/or current states to consider the right choices
· “Plant flash” It is a question of highlighting in the blink of an eye the blockages of the present moment and finding together, the suitable elements to improve one's own direction. The goal is to calmly welcome future events without fear but in complete harmony even if it may seem complicated.
· "The 5 fruits" It is a question of highlighting the different pillars of life
Health. Finance. Love. Family. Profession, to better live the "here and now" in the different axes of his life. Nothing is impossible for those who hear that everything is in motion like the Earth. Anything can happen, nothing is set in stone! This is why the truth of "yesterday" is not that of "today" and even less that of "tomorrow"
· "Duo 2 plants" This is to highlight the difficulties encountered in
the couple in order to establish an intelligent course of action to find a balance. This formula can be done alone or in pairs. The important thing is to obtain more clarity in your personal life path: 1 1 = 3, partner 1, partner 2 and relationship 3. idea being to readjust one's thoughts, words and actions for betterment.