After this training you will be able to intuitively follow the messages of the guides of light via the cards and further develop your clairvoyance by referring to the VADIMH 2 method.
Content: Why trust the cards- Definition of Oracles, Runes, signs and symbols- Read through the lines - the interest of the cards Content: Guided messages - Learn not to invent but to listen - Tips for staying the as humble as possible and not fall into the misplaced "ego" ("it's me who reads good adventures") - Rely on your intuition to best interpret the messages Content: follow the VADIMH2 method - Respect the codes and techniques to be as close as possible to the chosen resolutions - Know how to use tools such as the pendulum, polarity, chopsticks or others Content: learn to protect yourself according to the elements - find the rituals and other prayers corresponding to the practice made depending on the environment and the subjects