The back represents the support and support of life. It is the place that protects me if I feel helpless in relation to a person or a situation ("I turn my back"), in case of need.

If my burden is too heavy, if I lack support or if I don't feel supported enough (emotional, monetary, etc.), my back will react accordingly and some pain (aches) may appear. If I'm “full of it”, my back can't take it anymore and discomfort arises. I have the impression that my survival is in danger and I have the impression that people are going to “let me down” whether it is the people around me or simply life that wants to give me the slip.

I can't stand what's happening to me anymore. I may even feel like I'm 'backed into a wall'83 in a certain given situation or always have 'someone on my back'. I realize that I am leaning on something or someone outside of me.

Since I don't fully trust them, I find it difficult to move forward. I live in frustration, feeling caught up and feeling limited in the things I can put forward.

I am no longer able to balance things well in order to make informed decisions. I can have a broad back and be able to take it or bow humbly, bow out of respect or acceptance ↓♥. Whatever the reason, a bad back therefore indicates that I may want to save myself from something by putting it behind me, because it is with my back that I bury the experiences that have caused me confusion or pain. I put everything in it that I don't want to see or let others see, thus playing the ostrich.

It therefore also hides my past, everything that is unconscious or unknown. I can even bury my dreams and desires there that I no longer believe I can achieve. I am deeply hurt, currently unable to express these blocked emotions. I refuse to see what does not suit me! I may have received "a stab in the back" and I see this situation as a betrayal. If the pain is caused by a displaced vertebra84 in relation to what situation am I revolted, to what ideal do I aspire but in an aggressive way? I resist with all my might because I'm afraid of responsibility. A supple but strong back indicates a certain mental flexibility and a great open-mindedness unlike back stiffness which means pride, power and refusal to give in. Sitting comfortably, I can have the impression of being protected, in complete safety.

However, even if my back is used to put these unwanted things there and I would like to "play the ostrich"

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