ABC of diseases


Illness is a conflict between the personality and the soul

Often the cold drips when the body will not cry.

Sore throat chokes when it is not possible to communicate the afflictions.

The stomach burns when the rages fail to come out.

Diabetes invades when loneliness hurts.

The body grows when discontent oppresses.

The headache depresses when the doubts increase.

The heart weakens when the meaning of life seems to end.

Allergy appears when perfectionism is intolerable.

Nails break when tusks are threatened.

The chest tightens when pride enslaves.

Tension rises when fear imprisons.

Neuroses paralyze when the inner child tyrannizes.

The fever heats up when the defenses explode the frontiers of immunity.

Knees hurt when your pride won't bend.

Cancer kills when you don't forgive.

And your silent pains how do they speak in your body?

Illness is not bad, it warns you that you are on the wrong path.

I think it's nice to share this message:

The path to happiness is not straight.

There are curves called ERRORS, traffic lights called FRIENDS, caution lights called FAMILY, and

you have it all if you have: A spare tire called DECISION, a powerful engine called LOVE, good insurance called

FAITH, an abundant fuel called PATIENCE, but above all, an expert driver called GOD

The disease is the "evil to say". Doctor Jacques Martel's dictionary of ailments says a lot about the physical problems that the body undergoes. Indeed the body gives us information but unfortunately our mind or even our ego often fails us and does not allow us to listen to our interior. It is so much easier to call on an external solution and thus exculpate ourselves of our discomfort. Whether it's for a cold or a sprained foot, it's so much easier to believe that it's not our fault, that it's not our responsibility. And yet? The simple acceptance that our body gives us "information" on our pain, could change the course of things... An example of the disease of the century ......... the back

Excerpt from an article by Doctor Martel ------->

The little phrase to repeat according to Martel

I agree ↓♥ to release now the energies held in the places that hurt! I can integrate life's difficulties more into writing, dialogue or exchange. I choose the medium that suits me best and I let life flow through me, in order to learn to express myself more and to assert myself when I need to.

I accept ↓♥ that life supports me at all times and I "raise my shoulders", knowing that I have the necessary strength to carry out all my projects.

I agree ↓♥ to rely on my inner resources. My intuition guides me in the actions to be taken to achieve my goals.

Karmic care is the most suitable energy care to considerably reduce back pain, whether it is herniated discs or sciatica.

It is a question of determining the number of priority karmic poles to cut them, return the part which does not concern the subject and deal with the part which concerns it in a definitive way.

Nourishment of body and soul

Eating, whether in Africa, India or Europe, is an act that takes culture, environment and habits into consideration. breakfast, lunch and dinner while it is quite different for Asian countries where you will listen to your body before having a meal! To go further, you can rely on your birth number in Chinese medicine and feed in relation to the color that suits us, the vibration of food that suits us and thus remain in balance. -------------->


I particularly appreciate an excerpt from the film Matrix which gives us a good example on the nourishment of the body and the spirit

Inviting energy dietetics to your table is possible

    Why not you ?

Because each of us needs to eat and find the "formula" that best suits him, I suggest that you allow me to convey this concept of body balance and the mind through “numerological” food!

    What is that ?

It is a method taken from Chinese medicine which wants our diet to be based on our birth number (according to its date of birth) and therefore on the corresponding element (FIRE, EARTH, METAL, WATER, WOOD) to achieve balance in your energy centers


    What is the point ?

By reaching this balance, our body responds to an emotional balance and thus allows better digestion and therefore a better food hygiene.

This new course of action provides for a considerable loss of weight, in other words of “burdens” thanks to energetics.

    Ma proposition ?

Using my energetic qualities to combine the learning of "vibrational foods" according to each element and allow a natural understanding of the passage of energy commonly called "QI" in the body. In this sense, a better knowledge of one's own body!


The detox-food diagnosis is particularly interesting for those who want to find the line and maintain an ideal weight before investing in a series of diets ----->



Dietetics at work is possible for you and your employees


    What interest for your structure?

In order to find your professional but also financial interest, I invite you to read my possible care offers.




An energy treatment is a natural treatment that is part of so-called alternative medicine compared to traditional medicine. The main technique is to use the fluid of his hands to evacuate the negative aspects and re-harmonize the energy circuits of a person. I use this fluid as part of ENERGY DETOX and FOOD BALANCE according to the morphology of each individual.


1) FOOD DETOX and learn how to detox your body



Ø To clean the viscera

Ø To purify the organs

Ø To reset his digestion and his mind

2) REGULATE YOUR OWN PH and learn to avoid acid-base dietary differences



Ø To allow a good digestion

Ø To avoid inflammation

Ø To maintain intestinal comfort

3) EATING BETTER and learning to recognize the foods that do us good without complex and with the notion of pleasure



Ø Using his birth number as a reference

Ø By learning to listen to your body to feed and hydrate

Ø By supplementing its deficiencies with food supplements


Knowing how to eliminate negative energies thanks to new eating habits while keeping your favorite dishes but eating differently, it's possible!

You can also find the line that suits you without complex, without judgement, with ease!

All in good time …



The effects are felt emotionally, mentally and physically.

The combination of energy and food makes it possible to


    maintain a healthy lifestyle keep in shape and weight stop certain addictions regain self-esteem channel your emotions improve your daily life have a new perception of yourself in relation to the eyes of others



The children's corner

I offer treatments based on concentration and letting go from an early age but also possibilities for creative workshops aimed at staying aligned with objectives. The interest of awakening and play allow children to learn to be independent in their daily lives and to grow on solid foundations whatever the environment. My theatrical and artistic experience encourages me to involve the child in front of an audience and to use the colors and elements of nature to create.


The discovery treatment is quite affordable from the age of 3 with the parent on a 30-minute basis to be repeated depending on the diagnosis.

The invisible

When I talk about the invisible, most people have a grin often visible on the face. Except that any individual has already had an invisible emotion such as anger or felt love that is not palpable. And yet ..... A feeling of shivers in the back or an increase in the beating of the heart, a flushed face and so many other involuntary reactions. The energy is invisible to the naked eye but can be targeted, take care of any cell in the body thousands of miles away or nearby. Another example could be wifi with a computer able to print remotely while connected to an invisible network The smell is also invisible but we can smell it to the point of nausea sometimes So even if you're still not convinced that the invisible exists, it is sometimes not necessary to want to understand everything like the interaction of the planets in our universe to be able to live in a balanced way and benefit from the benefits of new therapeutic approaches

Several treatments are likely to answer these questions, such as the care of cutting objects or even constructive visualizations to erase conscious or unconscious negative imprints and keep only happy memories.

For enthusiasts

It is a question of putting forward ideas, articles or even simply having exchanges with so-called enlightened people who want to share. Examples The sacred places (T4) The prayers of the archangels The number of angels Numerology The oracles

We all have the right to make mistakes, to fall, to be wrong and to doubt, but also the right to get up and take into account the dark side that is part of us by integrating it into our hearts and thus allowing balance.

The non-judgmental discussion treatment is highly appreciated, not to say recommended, and does a little “tailor-made” to develop everyone’s curiosity.

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