From a sporting point of view, it is quite understandable that individuals train by visualizing their journey to reach their goal. The brain making no difference between imagination and reality. The forces are recorded in the same way. The same goes for meditation or positive visualization. If the brain makes no difference between reality and imagination, we can claim to obtain our own objectives by visualizing the expected result. And even if there are other methods to achieve your goals such as affirmations, mantras or other relaxation training, visualization, when it is in the right vibration, allows you to quickly integrate the goal. The results may be surprising. The training sessions of, for example, seem to me to be completely in line with these remarks.
Excerpt from a sports meditation interview:
Excerpt from the Rush race car movie with the spotlight on Niky Lauda and VIEW interest in winning:
Extract from the visualization method of the book "Miracle Morning" aiming not to undergo a catastrophic diagnosis but to prove that the state of mind has incredible resources when it comes to living: